Logistics Bank Corporate Summary

<IoT Business and Cost reduction by Supply Chain Innovation>

Welcome to Logistics Bank !

Logistics bank(LB) is the leading management/logistics consulting company specialized for Global Logistics Process Improvement in the end to end supply chain.
The prime products LB provide our customers such as shippers and 3PL providers are two-fold; One is “Global Logistics Cost Reduction consulting” for shippers. The other is “Sales and Profit expansion consulting” for 3PL and Global forwarders.
Furthermore, LB provides our customers with extensive consulting products and services to improve internal and external management system to increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

◆News: Logistics Bank has started to launch new business on IoT, BigData and Anlytics, AI, Robot.,etc with partnership with BellaDatiCzech Republic.

■Unlimited opportunities in the end to end supply chain process
There exists unlimited opportunities to improve in the end to end supply chain.These are redundant cost of bottleneck in the operation process, excessive cost of transportation, warehouse management and distribution, redundant cost of wrong selection of 3PL/Global forwarders, slow cash flow due wrong collection method of billing process, duplication of operation/management process, insufficient installation of IT management, inadequate management system related to ISO9001(Quality),
ISO14001(Environmental), OHSAS18001(Health & Safety), ISO27001(Information),TAPA(Transport/warehouse security), BCP(Business Continuity Planning) and Risk Management, Mindset of management/employee, Organizational and cultural barriers,insufficient sales and service management, lack of marketing strategies, non-existence of real evaluation system, lack of leadership/empowerment, lack of HR training system,
inadequate internal/external communication process., etc.
Those are the area of improvement Logistics Bank can support our customers with LB consulting professional skills.


■Logistics Bank Consulting-Products and Services
○Management/Logistics Consulting
(1)Global Logistics Cost Reduction Methodology
(2)3PL/Global Forwarders’ sales & profit expansion 
(3)Supply Chain Risk Management Process
(4)BCP installation into internal/external organization
(5)ISO certification support (ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and OHSAS18001)
(6)TAPA certification support
(7)3PL/4PL Management 
(8)Claim settlement management(Air & Sea transport)

○Training and educational services
(1)Logistics Quality and Value process for 3PL/Shipper (Sales training)
(2)Logistics Marketing
(3)Qualified Logistics Consultant
(4)Logistics Service Management
(5)Supply Chain Risk Management
(6)Logistics BCP(Business Continuity Planning)
(7)ISO internal auditors
(8)Top management/middle management seminar

Please contact us if you have any inquiries.


 Logistics Bank.
TEL: 03-5532-7501
FAX: 03-5532-7502
Mail: uno-osamu@e-logisticsbank.com










  • コンサルティングの期間・料金について
  • 教育商品の内容について
  • 弊社商品・サービス以外のコンサルティングについて
  • ロジスティクス改善に関するあらゆる課題について
  • グローバルハブ、VMIサービス構築について








宇野 修
  • 財団法人日本規格協会(JRCA)の品質マネジメントシステム、
  • 社団法人産業環境管理協会(CEAR)環境マネジメントシステム
  • 財団法人日本情報処理開発協会(JIPDEC)のISMS情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム
  • 英国IRCA労働安全衛生マネジメントシステムの審査員登録者名簿に登録経験有。
  • TAPA(貨物セキュリティマネジメントシステム)内部審査員トレーニング参加証明書(TAPA Asia)
